Türk Yapı Industry is a company specializing in the production of industrial construction materials. We try to strives to adhere to the following criteria during our activity: Compliance with international standards High quality design Specialists professional in work ABOUT US Video gallery You can browse the video gallery placed on our site using the link below. read more Our products View all gypsum and non-gypsum products manufactured by the Turk Yapi Industry online. read more Why should you choose us?Our advantagesHigh qualityWe produce ecologically clean gypsum and non-gypsum based construction materials. Free deliveryWe try to maximize the convenience and efficiency of shopping for each customer. Discount campaignsThinking about our customers, we are constantly carrying out discount campaigns. Latest news and campaignsLatest shared newsAll news All news What we are aboutCustomer feedback and suggestions You can also give feedback × "" 1 Name and surname Position Email Review0 / Send Previous Next